Aminet 33
Aminet 33 - October 1999.iso
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»CL8:Magic, This Time Around!
»CL5: written by Magic of Nah-kolor
(or how many struggles must there
still be?)
»CL1:"A human life, a men's future, a
child's childhood."
"Everyday create your history, every
path you take your leaving your
»CL0:I am writing since 1992 (for a dutch
diskmag), or since 1993 for english
Amiga based diskmags if you like.. I
have seen 'it' all more than once,
witnessed the 'scene cycle' more than
once. Meeted the most prominent
sceners from the first half of the
90's. Some became my closest friends
for a period in time. Some grew to the
most prominent sceners the scene is
glad to have in this last year of the
century. (and even beyond I suppose..)
Trough my writings I analyzed the
scene in almost every aspect. Is there
still a question left for me to
answer? And yet I am still around! (As
this feeling intruded me already 3
years ago.. :-)
»CL7:These words are dedicated to all the
scene lovers. The ones with a passion
for the scene, though the eager has
floated away, yet the hobby remains.
Don't criticize! Enhance, enjoy! For
the (active and/or retired) writers an
editors out there I present to you an
overview of my work. Please note this
is only about 60% of all articles I
have ever written. I could not find
all headlines back, especially the
older ones.. Has one writer in the
scene written so much, in so many
different ways? I don't think so! Are
there many writers left who are still
active for such long time period? I
don't think so! Respect please! A wise
man once said: "Don't use your energy
on people who are (often) criticizing
on you.." And right he is!
»CL1:"Some men see things as they are, and
say why ? I dream things that never
were and say why not ?" - Magic of
»CL3:Name of the article: »CL2: Diskmag it was published in:
»CL3:Back To The Future »CL2: Eurochart issue 38 1999
»CL3:Three Boxes To Infinity »CL2: Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:The Party Number 1's Lookback »CL2: * Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:Blast From The Past: Offa of TBL »CL2: Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:Scene TV: TP'98 Demo Compo (LIVE!) »CL2: * Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:Artcore 2; Made of Bomb in Focus »CL2: Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:Have No Fear, The End Is Near.. »CL2: Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:Magic, This Time Around! »CL2: Eurochart issue 38
»CL3:The Return Of The Jedi »CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Eurocharts Raider III - Quest For Life»CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Tiefsee Music Productions Inc. »CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:In Rememberance: 'What if...' »CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Insight: Astrosyn 1999 Party »CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Quotations & Statements »CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Soda, The Pissing Main-editor »CL2: * Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Ending Column: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: Eurochart issue 37
»CL3:Welcome To Magical Moments »CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:Into The Great Wide Open »CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:New (Elite) Diskmag Is Comming »CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:A Top Group Masterplan.. »CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:The Bill Clinton Of The Scene »CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:Nah-kolor in 1998 (A Group In Progress)»CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:Big&Famous Amiga Scene Groups Are Ethical?»CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:The Official Eurochart's Reveiling Facts»CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:Ending Article by me: 'Magic' »CL2: Eurochart issue 36
»CL3:Haujobb Finland died out! »CL2: Retro issue 4
»CL3:Amiga Scene Group Ethics »CL2: Retro issue 4
»CL3:Editorializing (v3.1) by Magic »CL2: Retro issue 4
»CL3:Star Wars: The Phantom Menace »CL2: Retro issue 4
»CL3:"The Essencial" - Venus Art »CL2: Retro issue 4
»CL3:Into The Great Wide Open.. »CL2: Retro issue 4
»CL3:What Happened To Mop ? »CL2: Insomnia issue 3 1998
»CL3:In Focus: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: * Insomnia issue 3
»CL3:Sue Me, Sane! »CL2: Insomnia issue 3
»CL3:Column: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: Eurochart issue 35
»CL3:3D Artists on higher ground than coders ?»CL2: Eurochart issue 35
»CL3:Insight on the Polish Domination »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:IRC vs Amigascne »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:News: "How Does It Feel?" »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:Sane and me; Magic speaks out! »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:The #amigascne Addicts Of The Scene »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:Dedicated to Danny Geurtsen »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:Foundations of the Nerd's »CL2: Generation issue 26
»CL3:Column: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: Eurochart issue 33
»CL3:E-mailing in the Amigascene »CL2: Eurochart issue 33
»CL3:Scene Awards, needed or not? »CL2: Retro issue 3
»CL3:Endzeit; Artwork's Legacy (And more..)»CL2: Retro issue 3
»CL3:Scoopex worked it's way up again »CL2: Retro issue 3
»CL3:Spreading is a huge problem nowdays!»CL2: Retro issue 3
»CL3:TRSI - Subgroups Ahead! »CL2: Seenpoint issue 8
»CL3:Who is (Robo) Mop ? »CL2: Seenpoint issue 8
»CL3:Symposium and Mekka Results Article »CL2: Seenpoint issue 8
»CL3:Symposium and Mekka Party Report »CL2: Spreaded on the irc
»CL3:Qba, Poland's scene gem »CL2: Retro issue 2 1997
»CL3:In Focus: Wolfman & Mount »CL2: Retro issue 2
»CL3:DEMOS: Processor speed wins from quality ?»CL2: Eurochart issue 32
»CL3:Column: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: Eurochart issue 32
»CL3:Foundations of the Amiga Scene »CL2: Seenpoint issue 7
»CL3:Nah-kolor: Respect! »CL2: * Seenpoint issue 7
»CL3:Who is Infant ? »CL2: Seenpoint issue 7
»CL3:Dreamer's Ironic Point Of View »CL2: Seenpoint issue 7
»CL3:Nah-kolor's HIStory »CL2: Retro issue 1
»CL3:Lemon. is back for a vengeance »CL2: Generation issue 25
»CL3:The Scene Lacks Talents! »CL2: Generation issue 25
»CL3:Sentimental, The Essay »CL2: Generation issue 25
»CL3:Serial Thrilla »CL2: * Showtime issue 6
»CL3:Who is Facet ? »CL2: Seenpoint issue 6
»CL3:TBL is falling apart.. »CL2: Seenpoint issue 6
»CL3:We want ROM ! »CL2: * Seenpoint issue 6
»CL3:The Scene Symbols »CL2: ROM issue 9
»CL3:About RAW »CL2: Seenpoint issue 5
»CL3:Everlasting mOments »CL2: * Seenpoint issue 5
»CL3:In The Shadow Of Heatbeat »CL2: ROM issue 7 1996
»CL3:Assembly 1996 Report »CL2: * ROM issue 7
»CL3:The Party 5 Report »CL2: * Seenpoint issue 3
»CL3:Let's go insane with ECS again ! »CL2: * ROM issue 6
»CL3:Abnominio 11 - The Miracle »CL2: Generation issue 22
»CL3:In Focus: Fishwave »CL2: Generation issue 22
»CL3:Nah-kolor vs TRSI »CL2: Generation issue 22
»CL3:Andromeda, back for a last vengeance?»CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Heatbeat's last words »CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Probe and his Virtual Dreams »CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Germany, old sceners country ? »CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Column: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Dreaming about Dreamer »CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Raytracing, the new art. »CL2: Showtime issue 4
»CL3:Column: Magic of Nah-kolor »CL2: Showtime issue 3
»CL3:The Finnish Summerlove »CL2: RAW issue 10 (Online)
»CL3:Portrait: Cybersonik of Alcatraz »CL2: RAW issue 10 (Online)
»CL3:Party Orginizers Join Forces »CL2: RAW issue 10 (Online)
»CL3:The King Among Fish »CL2: No Sense issue 2
»CL3:TRSI & Complex cooperate on diskmag »CL2: No Sense issue 2
»CL3:Grapevine on it's way back »CL2: No Sense issue 2
»CL3:The Circle Of Life »CL2: Showtime issue 1
»CL3:Interview with Dope/Spb »CL2: The Jungle issue 8 1995
»CL3:Do You See The Point ? »CL2: The Jungle issue 8
»CL3:Magical Moments Corner Episode 1 »CL2: Buzz issue 8
»CL3:In Focus: Mount of Polka Brothers »CL2: RAW issue 9
»CL3:Eurocharts in problems »CL2: * RAW issue 9
»CL3:Where is your Childhood ? »CL2: RAW issue 9
»CL3:IntelOutside 1994 Report »CL2: Chit Chat issue 14
»CL3:Movement, time to move on »CL2: Chit Chat issue 15
»CL3:Interview with Lizard/Spaceballs »CL2: Chit Chat issue 15
»CL3:Spaceballs in focus »CL2: Thing issue 15.5 1994
»CL3:The Gathering 1994 Report »CL2: Thing issue 15.5
»CL3:Interview with Fashion & Pride »CL2: Thing issue 7
»CL3:Lemon. died at The Party 3 »CL2: Thing issue 7
»CL3:Somewhere In Holland 1993 Report »CL2: Upstream issue 7 1993
»CL3:Legend Holland Is Ok 1993 Party Report»CL2: Magbox issue 5
»CL8:Please have this notice..
»CL7:Trough the years I was Main-editor of
all the issues of THING magazine. In
all THING issues together are more
than 50 articles. In the Eurocharts
issue 19 we had a 5th spot. Which was
not bad if you take in notice that is
was a diskmagazine comming from Poland
(except for me ofcourse:) in that
time. I was main-editor from Chit Chat
issue 14 and 15, Showtime issue 4 and
Retro issue 4. Ofcourse in the
magazines are far more articles than
presented here in this list. This also
counts for Upstream issue 11 which was
never released and the articles went
to RAW issue 9. Where I was co-editor
from. Buzz issue 8 featured the first
Magical Moments corner (in 1995) and
later Retro4, Eurocharts 36 and 37
also had one. And ofcourse since the
37th issue of the EC I am co-editor
from this legendary chart.
Another remarkable archievement was
the fact I was the one who was behind
the first AGA diskmagazine in the
scene. This was Chit Chat issue 15 by
Mirage. With special AGA code by
Protec of Mirage and a splashing AGA
lay-out by no-one less than All-star
graphician Danny! And ofcourse some
AGA cliparts by various graphicians..
»CL8:Greetings to..
»CL7:I want to greet all the writers I have
the pleasure to talk to and or meeted
during the years. Especially the ones
I cooperated with on writing articles.
(In the list these articles are marked
with the '*' symbol.) I cooperated
with writers like Mop, RokDaZone,
Fishwave, Blitter, Mount Astro,
Sixpack, Rawstyle and Sane. My best
greetings to the all of you.. I am
sure there are more articles which I
did together with another writer but
my mEmory isn't that good these days
:) Also greetings to Lord Helmet
(TP'94 was the best, and Nexus 7 also
still:) Retep and Tomcat (The Vernes
was pritty cool all those times..)
Curt Cool (The everlasting student
hehe) Wade (The lucky writer who can
write in his country's language:)
Norman, your Polish diskmagazine
rules, I hope I can support it again
in the future. And ofcourse to Adok,
the editor of the best PC diskmagazine
around at this moment. And to all the
rest I forgot..